
Anime (アニメ in Japanese) is the style of animation or cartoons popularized in Japan, but appreciated worldwide today. Anime inspires lots of LEGO models from builders everywhere. Whether you love the artistry of Hayao Miyazaki or mecha from shows like Gundam and Evangelion, you’ll find many wonderful LEGO creations inspired by anime here on The Brothers Brick.

LEGO GAT-X105 Strike Gundam with AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Striker - The Brothers  Brick

LEGO GAT-X105 Strike Gundam with AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Striker - The Brothers Brick

LEGO Ryuhei Kawai Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO Ryuhei Kawai Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO Paddy Bricksplitter Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO Paddy Bricksplitter Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO Bygglek Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO Bygglek Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO VelociJACKtor Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO VelociJACKtor Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO Iron Forge Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO Iron Forge Archives - The Brothers Brick

Kamen Rider Black brings back 80's Japanese nostalgia - The Brothers Brick

Kamen Rider Black brings back 80's Japanese nostalgia - The Brothers Brick

LEGO Brick Figure Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO Brick Figure Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO witch Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO witch Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO legodoumoko Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO legodoumoko Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO Aztec Archives - The Brothers Brick, The Brothers Brick

LEGO Aztec Archives - The Brothers Brick, The Brothers Brick

LEGO Anime Archives - Page 3 of 22 - The Brothers Brick, The Brothers Brick

LEGO Anime Archives - Page 3 of 22 - The Brothers Brick, The Brothers Brick

LEGO Moko Archives - The Brothers Brick

LEGO Moko Archives - The Brothers Brick