
lt;h3><strong>SIM REGIONAL EARLY CAREER METROLOGIST PAPER COMPETITION 2024 TERMS OF REFERENCE</strong></h3> <h4><strong>SCOPE</strong>:</h4> To sponsor a technical paper competition for early career metrologists in each of the SIM subregions. The competition is aimed at: <ul> <li>encouraging early career professionals in the field of metrology to introduce their scientific work to the metrology community at-large.</li> <li>introducing one’s technical work to colleagues of other NMIs within the SIM Region</li> <li>publishing the papers in the NCSL International conference proceedings and <em>Metrologist Worldwide News</em>, supporting, and encouraging early career metrologists who contribute to the development of their NMI.</li> </ul> This competition is coordinated by the SIM Professional Development Coordinator with support from SIM Secretariat. Subregional coordinators will cooperate with the communication of the competition within their regions promoting the participation of the NMIs. <h4><strong>AWARDS</strong>:</h4> <ul> <li>The winners of the first-place paper from each sub-region will have the opportunity to participate at the <strong>NCSL International Workshop & Symposium 2024</strong> if this is their intention. All cost related to winners ‘participation (air fare, lodging, per diem, conference and tutorial registrations) will be covered by SIM and NCSL International.</li> <li><strong>The NCSL International 2024 Workshop & Symposium</strong> will take place <strong>July 6-10, 2024</strong> in Denver, CO, USA<strong>.</strong> This time NCSL International and CPEM have joined together to provide a tremendous opportunity for in-person learning, knowledge sharing, best practices, networking, and collaboration. </li> <li><strong>First place papers will also be published in the 2024 Conference proceedings.</strong></li> <li>The winners of the second-place paper from each SIM subregion will be invited to prepare a poster for presentation at NCSL International, however no travel support will be provided for participation.</li> </ul> <h4><strong>DEFINITION:</strong></h4> Early Career Metrologists, in the context of this competition, are people who have been employed as a metrologist by a SIM NMI/DI member of SIM, from no earlier than 2019. As there are various forms of such employment, the NMI or DI representative shall declare that the applicant is an early career professional and that the NMI support his/her application. <strong> </strong> <h4><strong> </strong></h4> <h4><strong>PARTICIPATION:</strong></h4> Early Career Metrologists who want to participate in the competition must send a manuscript related to any field of metrology, and a copy of their CV to the SIM Secretariat (mail: All submitted manuscripts will be sent to a “Review Panel” who will evaluate them and SIM will communicate to the participants the winners and second place of each subregion trough the SIM Executive Secretary. These manuscripts must not be longer than 4000 words and should include: <ul> <li>statement of the problem addressed in the general form and its connection with important scientific or practical task.</li> <li>analysis of the ways of solving the problem.</li> <li>determination of the way of solving the general problem.</li> <li>presentation of the main research material with explanation of the obtained results</li> <li>conclusions</li> </ul> For more information check the Document “Criteria for early career metrologist competition manuscripts” <h4><strong>REVIEW PANEL:</strong></h4> The “Review Panel” is made up of the SIM Project Coordinator, SIM Technical Committee Chair and vice chair, SIM Project Coordinator, SIM executive secretary and a representative from NCSLI. The panel can ask an expert from the Technical Committee to assist in the evaluation. <strong> </strong> <h4><strong>LOGISTICS:</strong></h4> We recommend participants who need an US visa to register for an appointment as soon as possible. Appointments agendas can be challenging depending on the country. <h4><strong>DEADLINES:</strong></h4> Submission of manuscripts:  April 01, 2024 Review Panel selection of best papers: April 15, 2024 <h4><strong>CONTACT PERSON FOR SIM</strong></h4> Claudia Santo, SIM Executive Secretary <a href=""></a>

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